Sunday, October 6, 2019

A New Position

This year I have started teaching in a totally different setting.  My entire teaching career so far has been teaching middle school inclusion.  While I loved my students and coworkers, inclusion was not the route I originally intended to go with my teaching career.  I first fell in love with special education when I worked in a home with a young boy with cerebral palsy.  I knew then that I wanted to work with students with more severe disabilities.  After a few years teaching inclusion, I wanted to get back to my roots and what I originally wanted to do.  So this year, I made the leap and accepted a position teaching medically fragile students with multiple disabilities at a special education school locally.

And I am so glad I made the switch!  This year has challenged me in ways I have never imagined.  I absolutely feel like this is where I am meant to be!  One of the challenges I have encountered so far this school year is that when searching online for resources or tips, there is simply not much out there for working with this population of students.  

*Enter this blog*

So naturally, I decided to start a blog.  This blog will be a culmination of resources and tips I have found and created through my own teaching and research.  This will not only be something I can refer back to for myself over the years, but also something that I hope will help other educators entering this very specific field within education.  Happy reading, and happy teaching!

A New Position

This year I have started teaching in a totally different setting.  My entire teaching career so far has been teaching middle school inclusi...